BCSTA AGM 2013, part 3

BCSTA AGMs provide a great forum for us as trustees to connect, learn and develop not only as trustees, but also as citizens.

The theme of this AGM is Influence to Action: Trustees engaging Communities. We have learned about Dave Meslin and how he operates as a Community Catalyst (You have to see his TEDx talk http://www.tedxtoronto.com/speakers/dave-meslin/ )
Dave encourages us to use all means possible to engage and reach our constituents; market our community consultations in fun and innovative manners, and really listen.

There is some great debate and rich discussions happening on the floor, and throughout the halls. I have really appreciated the additional time and opportunity spent with my own board as we have discussed proposed resolutions and the workshops attended.


BCSTA AGM 2013, part 1

The business portion of the BCSTA has begun this morning. Elections for the position of director are currently underway. President-elect Teresa Rezansoff was acclaimed, filling the shoes of past president Michael McEvoy. Gordon Swan was just announced as Vice President, in a vote of 270 to 52 over opponent Valerie Adrian. Gordon then rushed to themike to nominate Valerie for director, and she was then added to the ballot. Very classy move by Gordon.

I look forward to the vote count; I am keeping my fingers crossed for my fellow SD46 board colleague Christine Younghusband ( @ChristineYH)

Good luck!