Candidate Speech for Provincial Council

I’d like to share the speech I made for the February 25th, 2012 Provincial Council. I was not ultimately elected in the by-election, but I do plan on running again for the BCSTA board of directors at our AGM in April.

Here it is:

I am honored to be our board’s Provincial Councillor and represent the Sunshine Coast, as well as the South Coast Branch of BCSTA.
It is very exciting to be one of the candidates for the vacancy on the board of directors. The support and advocacy that BCSTA provides on behalf of all Boards across the province is very important to public education. This support from BCSTA gives our districts the training for our new trustees while working with returning trustees in their continuing professional development. I believe I can be an integral part of our BCSTA Board by bringing our South Coast Branch voice to the table, and continuing the connections I have built with other trustees in the province through mentorship with items such as policy review, parent engagement and trustee development.
Harold R. McAlindon said “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”. His words certainly emulate where we are in education in BC right now. Our districts across the province have been blazing trails for years as they have developed programs to fit our students, to keep them engaged in their education and to help them realize their potential as citizens in our global community.
With the introduction of the BCEd Plan last year we were able to give our provincial trail a name and a map to move forward. This new map centered on students and how we can best support them through personalized learning, quality teaching and learning, flexibility and choice, high standards and learning empowered by technology. Our districts are supporting and engaging students and with the BCSTA connecting us all, we can find out what is happening across the province, using those ideas and “marked trails” to help us to develop strategic plans and priorities within our own districts.
While Peace River North’s Energetic learning Campus, also known as the “school in a hockey rink” may
not be transferrable to the Gulf Islands, I bet they can share their thought and lessons learned on community consultation.
Haida Gwaii’s book “B is for Basketball” is a great resource for all districts when looking at their Aboriginal Education programs.
And how can I nor share my own district’s Early Learning Programs such as SPARK! and our newest additions ‘Tiny Town’ and our mobile Strong Start Centre, Wonder Wheels.

The ideas and programs we share make us stronger as Boards and as an organization.
As a candidate for your BCSTA Board, I hope to continue the great work that is already being accomplished an build on the relationships with the Ministry, our sister organization BCPSEA, our parents through BCCPAC, our teachers and our support staff.
I look forward to help continue to build our already excellent reputation as a world educational leader and nurture our relationships with our partners as we work together to support our youngest learners and citizens.
After all, kids matter – we all care.

Thank you.

School Board meeting tonight

The board of education for School District 46 meets tonight at 7 pm in the Board Office. You can find the agenda at February 2012 Agenda

Highlights include a presentation that celebrates education “Shutterfly” ; Paddy McCallum, SCTA Professional Development Chair, will speak to us about Self-directed and Collaborative Professional Development in our district; and we will have our amended annual budget documents to review and adopt.

I am looking forward to hearing from our senior staff with updates on our strategic plan, and spending some time with my fellow trustees.

Hope to see you there, but if you can’t attend, I will be tweeting throughout the meeting. You can follow me on Twitter @LoriAnnPratt

Academy February 2012

I am attending the BCSTA and BCPSEA academy in Richmond this weekend. The academy is geared for new trustees, but it’s a great refresher for returning trustees as well.

The opening plenary last night was led by Davis Campbell of University of California, and he continued his plenary this morning on the importance of governance. You can read the highlights on my Twitter feed.

Our Education Minister, the Honourable George Abbott, spoke to us this morning on the importance of the stakeholder groups around you, as well as the funding context and pressures facing trustees and districts.

Minister Abbott is a very engaging speaker and clearly cares about kids. He opened up the floor after his presentation for questions from the floor. The questions and comments ranged from philosophical points regarding supporting students in their accountability to funding to policy direction on class size limits.

The remaining program promises to be just as engaging with workshops from BC Public School Employers Association and time tomorrow for new trustees to meet with their trustee mentors.

Thank you to the combined staffs and boards of BCSTA and BCPSEA for the terrific program.

DPAC Executive In SD46

On Tuesday January 24th’s DPAC (District Parent Advisory Council) meeting, a full executive was elected. This was the first time in about five years that our district has had an executive.

Parents are involved in so many volunteer aspects of their children’s’ lives, and DPAC is a great way to connect with other school communities within our district.  It is very exciting to have this valuable group revitalized!

Thank you to all if parent volunteers, and to our new DPAC executive.